Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Year 9, Day 36: Isaiah 52

Theological Commentary: Click Here

In Isaiah 52 we have a glimpse of restoration.  There are songs of praise to be sung.  There are vessels to be brought in and out.  There are broken places to be built up.  There are things to be purified.

This is what it feels like to know the Lord.  When the Lord bares His mighty arm, none shall be strong enough to resist.  When the Lord comforts us, we will know peace.  When He publishes peace and salvation we will proclaim that our God reigns.  The world can come against us and fight against God, but when our God comes to the world and fights against them He will win.  When the Lord comes, we will know His restoration.

In saving the last few verses of this chapter for tomorrow, to which they rightly belong, it is good to end with a discussion of where the first section of this chapter ends.  When the Lord comes, what will be our response?  When we know the salvation of the Lord, what shall we do?

We will go out and remain pure.  What the Lord purifies we cannot undo.  What He makes clean cannot be made unclean.

We will also go out slowly and not hastily.  When we are with the Lord, we can know His surety.  When we are with the Lord, we can know His confidence.  We will act in the Lord’s will, not our own human uncertainty.  There is a confidence that comes when we meet the redemption of the Lord.


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