Friday, January 13, 2017

Year 7, Day 13: Genesis 14

Theological Commentary: Click Here

You really know who your friends are when your life isn’t going well.  We are all familiar with the people who want to be our friends when we have something to offer.  If you’ve ever won something enviable, you know this feeling.  But that isn’t a true display of friendship.  Genuine friendship are people who are with you regardless of your situation.  They are there in the good times.  They remain there in the bad times.

For example, take a look at Lot.  He gets caught up in a war between the people living in and around Canaan.  He is defeated and taken captive.  His stuff is taken as plunder.  He’s a foreigner living in a foreign land.  He doesn’t have a family clan to defend him.  But he does have Abraham.  Abraham is a true friend.  Abraham comes to his defense, rescuing him from the hands of those who captured him.

However, it is often true that a friend of a friend is also a friend.  Notice that Abraham isn’t alone in coming to Lot’s aid.  Some of Abraham’s allies go with him to rescue Lot.  Lot is the beneficiary of Abraham’s friendships, too.

It is important to have friends.  We all like to have people to celebrate with us when things are good.  But we all also need people to be there for us when we need rescued.  We need people to remind us about joy and peace when life conspires against.


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