Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Year 7, Day 25: Genesis 26

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Role models are a powerful thing.  We learn from the people around us.  We pick things up.  Our behaviors usually rise and fall with the company we keep.  Want to be a person who makes good decisions?  Hang around people whose expectations involve making good decisions.  Want to be a person who is always in trouble?  Hang around people who are consistently finding ways to get in trouble.

If we read through the story of Isaac, this comes through crystal clear.  The most obvious way we see this is that Isaac models the sins of his father, Abraham.  When there is a famine in the land, Isaac turns to Egypt as Abraham had done.  When Isaac leaves his home, he tries to convince people that his wife is really his sister.  These are the tactics that Abraham did.  There can be little wonder that Isaac imitates his father.

However, this imitation is not all bad, either.  Does not Isaac prosper in a foreign land as Abraham did?  Does not Isaac find a way to live peaceably with his neighbors as Abraham did?  Does not Isaac dig wells and tend for those under his care as Abraham does?  Isaac learns many good patterns of behavior from his father, too.

I think this is a great lesson as we explore the witness of humanity as told to us in the book of Genesis.  We imitate the role models around us.  We learn from the people that we value.  If we pick good role models, we’ll pick up mostly good things.  Naturally, we will always be influenced by the sinfulness of others.  So we do need to be careful.  But for the most part, when we surround ourselves with good godly role models we will learn good godly things.


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