Saturday, March 18, 2017

Year 7, Day 77: Exodus 28

Theological Commentary: Click Here

When I read Exodus 28, I am reminded not just of the priests but the humanity of the priests.  Remember, these are the people who are to serve God.  They are to serve God by serving among the people.  But the reality is that they are not serving God because they are perfect.  These are human beings serving God by serving among mankind.

How many times in this chapter do we hear God’s regulation followed by a sentence that says something like, “so that they might not incur guilt and die?”  We can find these kind of commands all throughout this chapter.  The reality is that these are human beings.  They can be just as guilty as the rest.  They can incur just as much sin as the rest.

I think that this is a very important point to remember for Christians, too.  When we find Christ, we find ourselves to be new beings.  But we are not perfect beings.  We continue to be flawed.  We continue to fall into our sin.  We may be called to a higher place, but we are imperfect.

It is easy for us to stand high in judgment.  It is easy to build walls to try and keep the sin of the world out.  That is not what God desires of us.  We are to remember that we are just as likely to incur God’s wrath as anyone else in the world.  We do minister among the world, calling them to a higher purpose as well.  However, we should not do so in arrogance but in humility.


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