Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Year 7, Day 80: Exodus 31

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Bezalel and Oholiab.  Whenever I read these two names I always get a sense of foreboding, as if something bad is about to come.  But in reality this chapter is just the opposite.  Bezalel and Oholiab aren’t bad things, they are good people!

These are two craftsmen that God has filled with His Spirit.  They have been given the skill to construct everything as God has directed to Moses.  They have been given the desire within themselves to do the best job possible.  They have been given the ability to be creative and enjoy their trade.

However, there is more to it than simple artistry.  God tells Moses that He has given them wisdom and understanding and knowledge.  In fact, notice that these attributes are listed first, even!  Their artistic skill is nestled within their greater understanding and wisdom.

What does this wisdom do for them?  This wisdom gives them the ability to see their work in the community.  This wisdom and understanding allows them to not just follow directions but see the greater vision that God is creating within the people.  They can see their role and how they are going to play a part in God’s work.

So often we are a people who focus on skill.  We want to do things well.  However, how often do we take the time to stop and examine our skill within the community?  How often do we look to our greater role in what God is doing through us and in the community around us?  How often do we ask ourselves not just whether or not we are doing our job well but whether the job we are doing is actually a greater part of the community around us?  That’s a very important question that I often fail to ask, especially when I am in a place in my life where things are going well.


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