Sunday, March 27, 2011

Year 1, Day 86: Exodus 37

Exodus 37 brings us more detail to the building of the structures.  I’ll only make a few brief comments here as the text is very straightforward.

Purpose For This Text

As you read, you may have wondered why this text is necessary.  After all, how do these passages add anything to the daily walk of the follower of God? 

This question is posed from a Christian perspective, of course.  In the Christian faith everything in worship is done in the open.  Remember that many of the things presented in this chapter would not be available to be seen by almost everyone who might approach the tabernacle.  Therefore, these chapters are as close to actually seeing the tabernacle adornments as many people may be able to get.  This written record is for those who are not allowed into the inner portions of the tabernacle.

Beauty in Words

In that light, note the beauty described in the passage.  They didn’t just make candlesticks, or altars, or whatever.  They adorned everything with images of the beauty of creation.  They sculpted horns, blossoms, and other parts of the world around them.  As the items for the worship of God were made, they were made functional and representative of the beauty of the creation around them.  God is a God who enjoys the beauty of His creation as much – if not more – than we do.

Putting Forth Our Best Effort

Finally, as we read through this chapter and the next few, we should also understand that God enjoys good craftsmanship.  The people assigned to these tasks did good work and it was pleasing to God.  It is no different for us.  When we go through life really focusing on living for God, it is pleasing to Him.  When we put forth our best effort for God, He is pleased whether we succeed or not.


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