Monday, March 4, 2013

Year 3, Day 63: Jeremiah 10

False Gods

The first ten verses of this chapter are stunning.  Absolutely stunning.  They are stunning because in these verses we have such simple truth.  Here in these verses we find yet another open and honest expression of the problem with humanity.

A tree is cut down in the forest.  By a human hand, might I add!  That tree is shaped – again, by a human hand.  That shaped piece of lumber is inlaid with gold and silver and decorated in some prized way - again, by a human hand.  The soon-to-be-an-idol is now placed in a spot of worship – again, by a human hand.  In fact, it might even be tacked down by a nail or two – of course, by a human hand.

Two thoughts immediately jump to my mind.  First of all, how quick we are to worship our own creations!  How quick we are to create, because in creating “gods” we ourselves become the creators of gods!  Our worship of other gods is really all about us.  It is really all about our ability to manipulate and control the things of this life: fate, the weather, the economy, other people, etc.  These are the things of our own creation so that we can step back and worship ourselves!

The second thought that I had was to look at just how limited our “gods” really are.  We affix them, because if we don’t affix them properly they might fall from prominence.  Ever see someone who is far too obsessed with a personal achievement?  You get this point really quick in that context.  Or what about the person who has a habit that just can’t be ignored?  They find any excuse to lift such a habit into a place of prominence and put it on display for others to see.  Those activities and achievements don’t announce themselves.  They depend on us to announce them and make them prominent.  The things we make out to be gods are really no gods.

Before anyone feels picked on, I would add that I personally believe that every single person has some kind of idol that we make ourselves and affix to prominent places in our life.  I’m not trying to single anyone out in particular.  I think what I am saying is true of all of us.  I’m as guilty as the next person.

The Real God

Here’s the sad part about our false gods.  Can they really save us?  Can my bank account save me from myself and the trouble I bring upon myself?  Can my love for food save me from any trouble?  Can my thirst for entertainment truly satisfy even one of my innermost desires?

No.  That is the hard answer.  Nothing I do can satisfy who I am.  Nothing that I make can satisfy me fully and completely.  Nothing that I do can ever complete who I am like the God who created me and brought me into existence.  No fruit of my hands, no thought of my brain, no feeling in my soul can ever do what God can do within me.  The living God can change me, mold me, and shape me in far better ways than any god that I can change, shape, and mold myself.

Stupid Is as Stupid Does

I’m shifting gears pretty quickly now.  But moving on, let me confess.  I’ve never been a fan of Forrest Gump.  But every once and a while one of his truisms just fits.  After reading verse 14 I thought of this saying from Forrest Gump: Stupid Is as Stupid Does.

As God says through Jeremiah, every member of mankind is stupid and without knowledge.  Read that verse again.  It’s really humbling.  Now, let’s take that sentence one word at a time – just t make sure we don’t miss it. 

Every.  Not some.  Not even most.  Every.

Man.  Human.  Humanity.  Member of mankind.  Created beings.

Is.  Exists.  Contains the quality of.

Stupid.  Senseless. Lacking good judgment.

And.  There’s more.  You haven’t read all the bad news yet.

Without. Lacking.  Not possessing.  Existing in the absence of something.

Knowledge.  Skill.  Truth.

Do you hear the truth in that statement?  Without God’s spark of inspiration, we are stupid.  We are by definition lacking good judgment and in absence of truth.  This is really a humbling verse to consider.

More Stupid

As I continued through this chapter, I discovered that there was more stupid to come.  In fact, the explanation of why we are stupid is to be found here.  Look deeply into verse 21.  The shepherds are stupid and do not inquire of the Lord … therefore the flock is scattered.

I must hang my head here.  We do it to ourselves, and the leadership bears the greater burden.  We do not inquire of the Lord.  We think ourselves smart.  We think ourselves possessing of what is needed and we stop looking to the Lord.  Our ignorance brings out our stupidity and our stupidity results in the scattering of the flock.

I have said it before.  I will say it again.  When the leadership fails, then the company, structure, or organization will soon fail as well.  Watch your leaders closely.  Hold them {me included!} accountable.  According to these verses, holding your leadership accountable may be the best thing we can do to prevent stupidity!  I’ve never thought about it like that, but that statement is true in many more areas than just religion!


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