Monday, March 10, 2014

Year 4, Day 69: Exodus 20

Theological Commentary: Click Here 

Discipleship Focus: P=V2/R Principle

  • P=V2/R Principle: In this equation, we know from physics that power equals voltage squared divided by resistance.  The principle is that our spiritual power is affected by our spiritual connection to God (voltage) and our own personal fear or unwillingness (resistance).

I find the Exodus 20 response of the people to be fascinating.  Moses goes up to the mountain.  God makes His presence known.  The people draw back in fear.  They beg and plead Moses to be an intermediary between them and God.  They actually ask Moses to not let God speak to them – as if Moses could control that!

What this points to is our own human resistance.  Faith and relationship with God is easy when we ask other people to do the heavy lifting for us.  Faith and relationship with God is messy when we come into direct relationship with God and hear His voice.  In fact, faith and relationship with God is downright hard and scary when we come in direct relationship with God.  I completely understand why the Hebrew people drew back in fear and asked Moses and Aaron to do all the hard work.

The reality is that our human nature is far more likely to latch onto fear (resistance) rather than latch onto a personal spiritual connection to God (voltage).  We are far more likely to be afraid of God, or be afraid of failing, or be afraid of being wrong than we are to actually want to drawn near to God when we see Him on display.  As a result, our power is often small because our resistance is large.

God wants our power to be significant.  We need to learn to latch onto our spiritual connection with God more than our fear.


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