Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Year 4, Day 113: Leviticus 24

Theological Commentary: Click Here 

Discipleship Focus: Character, Discipleship Square

  • Character: Having the interior life that is necessary to support the work that God sets before a person.  It is hearing from God and obeying.  It is doing the right thing when nobody is looking.

Leviticus 24 is all about raising the bar of life up to God’s expectations.  In this chapter we hear about not blaspheming against God.  We learn about setting high expectations for those who dwell in our midst.  What we are talking about here is lifting people up rather than compromising ourselves down.

This really hits home when it comes to discipleship.  What is discipleship about – teaching others to imitate godly patterns or asking the godly to lower their standards to accept the world’s standards?  Obviously discipleship is about teaching other people to imitate godly patterns!

In this chapter, we really feel the discipleship challenge with respect to godly living.  Yes, we don’t live in a culture that stones people and we certainly live in a faith that believes in forgiveness.  But this chapter is about raising expectations.  This chapter is about discipling people into strong godly lives.  This chapter is about developing character that is worth imitating.


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