Monday, November 10, 2014

Year 4, Day 314: 1 Samuel 28

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Authority

  • Authority: Our calling.  This comes from God as king.  Because He calls us as His representatives, He gives us authority to go and do His will.

I’m going to take an usual perspective on this particular blog post.  As a set-up, I’d really encourage you to go and read the theological commentary to which I link above.  Because the content in that post will really help lay the foundation for what I have to say here.

I’ve heard many people try to talk about this witch of Endor.  Some people call her an illusionist.  Other people call her demonic.  Other people teach that she must have given Saul some sort of hallucinogenic drugs.  There are plenty of rationales about which people talk through this story.

My rationale is this: this is God’s work.

Maybe this surprises you.  How on earth could God work in an act of necromancy, right?

Let’s look at the evidence.  First of all, the witch of Endor seems surprised that it is working.  So to me, that eliminates any explanation that she was in control of the result.  The witch seems to be as surprised as anyone at what happens.  Second, let’s look at the fact that Samuel delivers an accurate and truthful message from God.  If this was some demonic event, why would God’s truth be proclaimed through it?

No, I think there is only one reasonable explanation for what happens here.  God takes over a situation that should have been fraught with sin and turns it to His own advantage in order to give Saul yet another opportunity to see himself for who he really is.  This should have been an evil experience, but God takes over and takes control.

That’s authority right there.  God has absolute authority in this world.  There is nothing that is beyond God’s ability to control.  This is one of the most unique passages in the Bible to make such a point.  But rest assured.  God is in full control.


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