Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Year 4, Day 323: 2 Samuel 6

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Challenge

  • Challenge: God does not merely wish us to be in relationship with Him as we are.  He challenges us to grow, stretch, and transform as we take on the mantle of being His representatives to this world.

This chapter has always been one of my favorite chapters in the Bible.  It is such a memorable story, and it is a story where we can easily wonder what exactly happened that caused Uzzah to need to die.

The crux of this story rests with David’s inability in this instance to consult with the Lord.  David wants the Ark of the Covenant to come to Jerusalem.  But he doesn’t consult with God.  He doesn’t consult with God’s Word about how to move the Ark.  He just does what makes sense and sticks the Ark in a cart.  Because David thinks for himself and doesn’t confer with God, he puts Uzzah in a position to offend God.

However, what I love about this chapter is that after David has had some time to cool down and rethink his mistake we see an obvious change.  We see obvious spiritual growth.  David brings the Ark the rest of the way up to Jerusalem and has the priests carry it this time.  As they process, there is a grand worship for the Lord.  Much has changed about David’s approach to the Ark as we progress through this chapter.

This is a great story of challenge.  David tries to do his best, but he fails because he followed his own thinking rather than consulting God.  But he learns his lesson and grows.  He feels the challenge and makes a great decision after experiencing failure.  That is what challenge is all about.


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