Friday, November 21, 2014

Year 4, Day 325: 2 Samuel 8

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Calling

  • Calling asks whether or not God has called the person to the particular work at this point in their life.

In this chapter we begin to hear about the expansion of the kingdom under David.  I don’t know if you have looked at one, but I would recommend trying to find a map of the kingdom of Saul versus the kingdom of David.  It’s rather impressive.  David’s kingdom grows to about ten times the size of Saul’s kingdom.

Now, this isn’t because David is ten times the leader as Saul.  It isn’t because David is ten times more powerful.  In fact, this growth has less to do with David and more to do with God.  About the only thing it has to do with David is that David was willing to follow God.

God caused the kingdom to grow.  God gave David the plan and God gave David the victories.   God was the power behind the expansion of David’s kingdom.

However, it was David’s calling.  God chose to do His work through David.  David was willing to follow and obey.  David played the role that God asked of him at the timing and planning of God.


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