Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Year 5, Day 126: Job 32

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Competency

  • Competency: Being able to accomplish what one is called to do.

I think it is interesting to hear Elihu speak.  I realize that he is human.  He is going to make his own fair share of mistakes with respect to theological teaching.  He’s not perfect.  But I think he really shows us a competent image in this opening chapter.

First of all, look at what Elihu does.  Elihu sits and listens.  He lets everyone else speak their words before opening up his mouth.  I realize that Elihu is young and he is likely respecting the older men.  But even so this is an incredibly competent approach!  When dealing with any issue, information is always helpful.  Elihu sits and listens and absorbs before speaking his mind.

Second, look at what Elihu says.  Elihu accuses Job’s friends of not developing true wisdom.  Elihu accuses them of not ending in wisdom.  He accuses them of having theology that is more self-justifying than anything else.  I think that this is a competent analysis.  I think this analysis of Elihu comes because Elihu spends so much time listening first.

In the end, I always look forward to Elihu’s speech.  As I said, he’ll make his mistakes, too.  But I think he sets a great example of how to posture oneself when preparing to address a situation.  Look.  Listen.  Observe.  When the time is right give a competent analysis rooted in legitimate observation.


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