Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Year 5, Day 132: Job 38

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: King

  • King: This is the pinnacle of the Kingdom Triangle.  When we look towards God’s position in the universe, we acknowledge that He is an omnipotent king.  Authority comes from Him.  Power comes through His authority.  He is looking for representatives for His kingdom.

There is much reason to speak about God as king at the end of the book of Job.  God comes out swinging.  He asks Job, “Who darkens my counsel without knowledge?”  God lays it all out right here at the beginning.  Compared to God, what am I?  Compared to God, what are any of us?  Even if I know that which I know very deeply, what is it compared to all the things that God knows and I’m completely clueless to the fact that they are even there to be known?

And then God gives a plethora of examples as to why exactly He is king.  He set the universe in motion.  He knows what it is like to see it start.  He knows what it is like to command the wind and the storm.  He knows what it is like to command the snow and the rain.  He knows what it is like to command and set limits to the dawn.  God knows what it is like to know the Pleiades or even Orion intimately.  God know the nature intimately.  God even knows what it means to impart wisdom into others.

That’s what it means to be king of the universe.  He is completely king.  What are any of us to Him?

Yet let’s not forget that God is not so great as to not notice us.  He wants relationship with us.  God may know everything from the stars in the sky to the foundations of this world.  But He wants relationship with you and me.  He wants a relationship so badly that He sent His own Son.  He is indeed king of the universe.


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