Friday, October 26, 2018

Year 8, Day 299: Proverbs 8

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Much of this proverb is dedicated to wisdom’s role.  The proverb asserts that wisdom has been around since before the world was created.  It was there when the heavens were put into place.  It was there when the sea and the land were separated.  It was there when the days were created.

What is the point of this?  There are many.  First, this passage makes it clear that wisdom is not something that humanity brought about.  Wisdom was with God well before it was ever with human beings.  Second, wisdom calls to us, not the other way around.  We are found by wisdom; we do not create wisdom.  Third, wisdom was known by God and was a part of His creation.  The creation is not a random event in a grand universal action.  The creation was planned and put into place by a God who knows wisdom personally.

Having said this, I love where this proverb begins.  Note to whom wisdom calls.  Wisdom will call to all mankind.  Wisdom doesn’t play favorites, she’ll call to anyone who will listen.  She has something for the simple. She has something for the foolish.  Wisdom doesn’t speak only to the deserving or the best.  Wisdom will speak to anyone who is listening.

Finally, look at where wisdom can be found.  She stands at the intersection of common roads.  She stands at the highest point.  She stands beside the gates leading into the city.  In other words, she isn’t hard to find.  She isn’t some hidden secret to which only a few lucky people have access.  Wisdom is something we all can find if we want to find it.


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