Friday, December 7, 2018

Year 8, Day 341: Ecclesiastes 11

Theological Commentary: Click Here

The beginning portion of Ecclesiastes 12 gives us a couple of metaphors.  “Cast your bread on the waters,” it says.  For those of us who are a little too literal, this doesn’t make sense.  When you put bread on water, it gets soggy and gross.  But that’s not the image we’re going for.  In ancient cultures, seeds were sometimes sown into flooded plains.  As the waters receded, the seeds would be well hydrated, and many would take root in the ground.  The crops would grow and there would be a harvest.

What, therefore, does this expression mean?  Sometimes to get a harvest we need to be willing to let go of control.  Quite often in life we simply need to be generous and loving to the people around us, not knowing if it will be noticed, recognized, or even take root!  We spread the seed of God’s love not knowing were it will grow and produce a harvest.

We then move into an exhortation to share with seven or eight people.  There isn’t any particular magic about seven or eight people.  It is simply an acknowledgement that we need a community of support.  The likelihood of seven or eight people all losing resources at the same time is far less than the likelihood of one or two losing access to resources.  If we can create a modest network of support, we’ll will be better insulated from unforeseen circumstances.  In other words, if we share with others in their need, we will be more likely to be able to navigate our own lean years.


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