Thursday, December 13, 2018

Year 8, Day 347: Song of Songs 5

Theological Commentary: Click Here

This chapter is often thought of as a dream.  After all, the bride is sleeping, but her heart is awake.  That sounds like the setup for a dream to me.

What is the point of this situation, dream or not?  We see reality in the relationship.  The groom comes to his bride, but he’s locked out.  The bride makes excuses for why she can’t come to the door in a hurry.

The reality is that all relationships have moments of cooling.  It is a natural cycle within the marriage for things to seem normal, even bland.  Human beings find places of normalcy.  In fact, as much as we claim to love excitement, the truth is that many of us crave a normal day where things go as planned.  Normal, unexciting times in a marriage are just an outcropping of humanity.

That being said, normalcy should never equate to uncaring.  A stable relationship is not a cold relationship.  While we may not always have excitement, we should never be distant, either.  That’s where the bride shows she’s gone wrong.  When the relationship grew stable and normal, she allowed it to create emotional distance.

The great thing about this chapter is that it also shows a repentance of the heart.  The bride comes out of the expression of distance and immediately begins to praise her groom.  She refocuses upon the qualities that her groom brings to life.  When she becomes aware that she has allowed distance to grow out of normalcy, she brings herself back into the relationship with a new passion.

Relationships cycle.  It is entirely normal.  We need to be careful the normal doesn’t become distant.  When it does, like all sin in life, we repent and try again.


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