Thursday, December 20, 2018

Year 8, Day 354: Isaiah 4

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Whenever I get to short chapters like this one, especially when I’m reading through the major prophets, I always check to make sure the online Bible I’m using loaded properly.  To say that short chapters in the prophets are rare is an understatement.

Combine this idea with what is being said.  This is a chapter looking ahead to the future promise.  This is a chapter that speaks about the restoration of holiness among God’s people.  Take note that the chapter on this particular topic is so short.  Put these two concepts together and see what your mind tells you.

First, note that God doesn’t feel the need to elaborate on the good stuff.  It is good enough to know, “When you get there, you’ll like it.”  It’s like a birthday party.  Nobody tells the guest of honor much about it, but everyone knows that it is going to be a mighty fun time.  God doesn’t need to waste words telling us that it’ll be worth being a part of.  That much goes without explanation.

Second, learn what this tells us about humanity.  Given the scope and sequence of the major prophets, we need a ton of words of warning.  We need to be scared.  We need to have danger and destruction spelled out to us in as many different ways as possible.  We must have our attention drawn to the consequences of sin.  Whether we aren’t smart enough to get, don’t care enough to get it, or too short-sighted to get it the reality is that we need help getting it.  We need help realizing that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

Third, learn what this tells us about humanity.  Ever watch a movie where nothing bad happens?  Ever read a story where the plot never has a moment of crisis?  Ever pick up a book where tension is not one of the author’s significant tools in writing?  Human beings thrive on tension and danger and destruction.  It’s what gets our attention in the first place!  If God wants to get our attention, He needs to talk about blowing stuff up, people dying, enduring plagues, suffering under war, etc.  All the great storytelling devices that Hollywood has used for the last fifty years are all devices that God has known about since He created us.

What do we learn today?  First, God doesn’t need to talk about how great life with Him will be.  It will be great.  Trust me.  Second, human beings focus best on the parts of the stories that involve struggle.  It hits us where life matters with us.  God knows this, too.  That’s why Isaiah 4 is so short.


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