Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Year 9, Day 15: Isaiah 31

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Once more we hear the proverbial warning to not go to Egypt for help.  The undercurrent is still there.  Egypt is mankind.  They are not God.  Their help is temporal.  Their help will eventually fail.

There is more to it than this, though.  Remember that Egypt was the oppressor.  Egypt is the nation out of which God rescued His people.  Egypt was the people against whom the Hebrews originally cried!  When the Hebrew people beg for help from Egypt, they are turning back to their old oppressors instead of turning to God!  When the Hebrew people turn to Egypt and ask for military aid, they are choosing to seek salvation from the oppressor and not from the true life-giver.

The Lord is quite offended by this prospect.  When the Lord strikes out against His people with the Assyrians, the Egyptians will get caught up in the judgment.  God will need to put the Egyptians in their place so that the Hebrew people will understand that their salvation comes solely from God and not anyone else.

What is the lesson in this?  When we need help, turn to God.  God may use other people to help us, and that’s okay.  But we should always make sure that we understand that our help is coming from God and He deserves the credit.  When we need salvation – temporal or eternal – it comes from God.


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