Friday, January 11, 2019

Year 9, Day 11: Isaiah 27

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Isaiah 27 is a great chapter of hope and truth.  It starts with a wonderful image of the vineyard.  Here is a vineyard that is loved and cherished.  It is protected.  Barriers are erected to keep it safe.  This is a different perspective on the same vineyard that earlier in Isaiah is left abandoned and allowed to become overrun.  Now the vineyard is guarded and beloved.

This should prompt a question.  Why does the Lord’s opinion of this vineyard change?  Does the vineyard suddenly become better?  Does the Lord Himself change?  What’s the impetus for the perspective difference?

The end of Isaiah clues us in to what has happened.  The rebellious vineyard is dealt with.  Through exile, the vineyard was tempered and humbled.  God removed His favor and stopped His compassion to demonstrate to the rebellious people what life was like without Him.

When God removes His love, grace, and mercy life is difficult.  It is a humbling experience.  It changes us.  That’s the key.  When we come upon consequences, we are changed.  Our perspective grows.  We appreciate things we didn’t appreciate before.

This is why the Isaiah tells of a time that He will love the vineyard.  The people will change.  They will repent.  They will be shown the error of their ways and they will return to the Lord.  The Lord forgives and changes His position towards the vineyard.

What does it take on our part to be shown the favor of the Lord?  We simply need to be humble.  We need to be willing to repent and acknowledge our sins.  God doesn’t need our perfection; God desires our humbleness.


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