Friday, January 25, 2019

Year 9, Day 25: Isaiah 41

Theological Commentary: Click Here

I really enjoy the opening half of this chapter.  The Lord wants His people to fear not.  He wants them to anticipate comfort.  He wants them to know that He is still there for them, even in the midst of their judgment and trial.

It is comforting to know that the same God who judges us an restore us.  He who makes the populated places into a wilderness can take the wilderness and make it populated.  He can turn the fertile places into parched land and back again.  He can shut up the rivers and open them up again.

I don’t know a single person who is able to judge righteously.  We all have sin and a most imperfect amount of power!  We are all limited.  Not so with God!  God can judge us perfectly, knowing our sin.  He also can judge us perfectly, knowing the grace that He longs to impart upon us.  He is the one who can send us into exile as well as bring us back out.

In this context, God then addresses false idols.  He asks them who can predict the future or even bring something into existence.  The reality is that the things we lift as gods in our life are unable to do what He does.  They might appease us for a while and bring a certain limited amount of pleasure into our life.  But they cannot truly create.  They cannot truly save.  They cannot continually speak truth into our lives.  Only the God who is perfectly capable to judge and restore can do these things.


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