Friday, September 21, 2012

Year 2, Day 264: John 16

Jesus’ Revelation

Jesus then fills the disciples in on a very significant secret.  Jesus has told the disciples all of these things to keep them from falling away.  Jesus has cautioned them against the violence to come.  He has cautioned them against not bearing fruit.  He has told them about the Holy Spirit.  He has spoken to them about obedience.  He has done all of these things so that they would not fall away.

What is it they say?  Knowledge is power.  We must be honest with one another.  We must be forthright.  We must teach the hard lessons.  We must be clear that if we chose to believe these hard lessons the world will hate us.  We have to teach all of this stuff so that people are prepared for it. 

Think of this analogy.  When police and military are being trained, why do they put them in crisis situations such as being pepper-sprayed, being attacked by dogs, in situations where the sound of battle is flying literally right over head, or in vehicular tactical scenarios?  Do they do these things because the drill sergeants and instructors are vindictive and have a mean streak?  Okay, I’ll admit.  Some do and some are.  But the real reason is because the only way to endure persecution is to prepare for it.  Jesus is forthright and honest so that they can prepare.

Holy Spirit

Then Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit.  First, notice that He has to go so the Holy Spirit can come.  In His physical body, Jesus can only be in one place at a time.  But in spiritual body Christ can be with everyone through the Holy Spirit at one time.  Oh, it would be wonderful if Christ was here in the flesh still.  But if Christ was here in the flesh, then what about all those people everywhere else across the globe?  No, although I long to be with Christ, it is good that He has gone and the Holy Spirit has come.

What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit to come in addition to being with all of us everywhere? 
  • The Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin.  In other words, the Holy Spirit will speak to all people and give them every opportunity to consider their self-monger nature.  Some will hear the leading of the Holy Spirit and seek out something besides human nature: God.  Others will seek out something but find themselves content in something outside of themselves but still very much centered on human self-mongerism: false religions.  Others will dismiss the Holy Spirit entirely and be content with their self-mongerish nature.  But all are touched in their life with a voice speaking to our self-mongerish nature.
  • The Holy Spirit will testify to the righteousness of Christ because in order for Him to come Jesus must go to the Father.  Ergo, if the Holy Spirit is with us, the Christ must be with the Father.  Thus, Christ must have been righteous.  The presence of the Holy Spirit proves the righteousness of Christ.
  • The Holy Spirit will testify to judgment because the ruler of this world is judged.  Think about that for a second.  The ruler of this world is judged.  This directly implies that the ruler of this world is not God.  {Yes, God is more powerful than the ruler of this world.}  However, because of God’s permissive will and His desire to give us free will, He has allowed Satan to be the ruler of this world.  The Holy Spirit comes to judge the ruler of this world and those who follow the ways of the world.
  • The Holy Spirit will guide those who are in Christ.  While the world is judged, those who follow Christ will be guided by His hand.

Sorrow and Joy

Jesus then speaks about sorrow and joy.  I think this is a very difficult passage to understand.  On a literal level, Jesus is speaking to the three days that Jesus will be dead.  The disciples will mourn.  The world will rejoice.  But after three days the lament will turn to joy.

Jesus’ words could also be applied to the time post-ascension but pre-Pentecost.  The disciples will mourn because Jesus has physically gone from them but they will rejoice when the Holy Spirit comes upon them in power.  Jesus may well have been speaking to this point as well.

However, it is likely that Jesus is also figuratively speaking about this life versus life eternal.  Even though we have the Holy Spirit, there is a part of us that genuinely longs to be with the Lord.  But there will come a time when Christ will call all of His faithful ones to Him.  We will be with the Lord.  Then there will be no more weeping.  Then there will be no more sorrow.  Then we will want for nothing and ask for everything God genuinely desires us to have.

Back to Reality

Then Jesus tells His disciples the truth.  While there will come a day when Jesus will not need to be our intercessor – that day is not today.  His disciples will be scattered.  They will run.  They will need to be forgiven.  They will abandon Jesus, but He will never be alone because the Father is with Him.

Once more, Jesus turns to the concept of peace.  The disciples may scatter, but they have the peace of God.  They have forgiveness.  When Jesus is resurrected, things will make much more sense.  When the Holy Spirit comes, they will be set against the world.  But even then they still have peace with God.  Following Jesus is not easy.  But it is a life of knowing that we are at peace with God.  Praise be to Him!


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