Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Year 4, Day 190: Joshua 5

Theological Commentary: Click Here 

Discipleship Focus: Abide

  • Abide: This is a moment, day, or even a season when we focus on God.  It is a time when we are rejuvenated by God.  It is the time for us to gather up what we will need for the coming growth after a season of pruning.  However, abiding is not the end.  We abide so that we can grow, bear fruit, prune, and abide again.

I haven’t spoken much about abide in this blog so far.  But I think coming off of yesterday’s reading and knowing about all the conquering that is ahead of us in Joshua, this is an opportune time to talk about abiding.  There is a fair amount of abiding in the passage, but it doesn’t necessarily look like abiding.

God asks the people to circumcise themselves after crossing over into the Promised Land.  Think about this for a second.  Joshua is on the verge of war.  Yet he voluntarily takes his fighting men and circumcises them, essentially putting them out of fighting condition for no insignificant amount of time.  God puts Joshua in a position of forcing the Hebrew people to abide as they come into the Promised Land.  Joshua focuses them stop and realize that everything comes from the Lord.

Once the people are circumcised, God tells Joshua to hold the Passover feast.  On that day, they ate fruit of the land.  The manna stopped.  God is looking to the people and telling them that their time of abiding has come to an end.  It has been a good time for abiding in God’s provision.  But the coming days would bring about growth in the Lord and fruit under His power.


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