Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Year 4, Day 210: Luke 1

Theological Commentary: Click Here 

Discipleship Focus: Guidance

  • Guidance: God grants us His guidance.  Sometimes this guidance is God leading us away from temptation.  Sometimes this guidance is helping us to follow in a direction for which He has chosen.  Our default position should be to wait for God’s guidance and then follow when it comes.

As I looked at this chapter, I struggled to choose a single discipleship theme.  I could have chosen obedience: certainly Mary and Elizabeth and even Zechariah display obedience to God.  I could have chosen one of the discipleship positions around the discipleship square as Mary clearly comes and learns from Elizabeth.  But in the end, I chose guidance.  I think this chapter is a wonderful analogy to the guidance we ask from God in the Lord’s Prayer as Jesus taught us to pray.

I think we see guidance all over this passage.  Take a look at the big picture.  This is the story of Jesus.  Jesus came to guide us back into a relationship with the Father.  Jesus came to be a model for the godly life and a sacrifice for our sins.  This whole Gospel of Luke is about guidance!

But look specifically at Zechariah.  Gabriel comes and guides Zechariah into knowing that God has heard his plea.  Yes, Zechariah doubts and feels a bit of punishment for that.  But in the end, Zechariah is guided into an understanding that not only will he have a son but that his son will guide people to God’s Messiah.

Gabriel also visits Mary.  Gabriel begins to guide this young lady through the process of a virgin birth.  Gabriel begins to guide her through the idea that she will bear God’s Messiah.  Gabriel begins to spread the message that God is about to do something amazing.

Finally, we have Mary and Elizabeth.  Mary comes to Elizabeth to experience the last few months of child-bearing as well as to be there for the birth of John.  I have no doubt that Elizabeth – old in years – guided Mary –likely still in her teens – through many aspects of life.  Elizabeth was there when Mary needed her.  We often think it is the young Mary who came to help Elizabeth in the latter part of her pregnancy, but I rather think it is Elizabeth who guided Mary in her deeper time of need.  After all, Mary was not only having a baby at a young age but also preparing for a new marriage!  Imagine how God could have used Elizabeth to guide Mary!

In all cases, this chapter is clearly a place where God’s guidance abounds.  He leads His people away from temptation and into His great plan of grace.


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