Sunday, October 20, 2019

Year 9, Day 293: 1 Chronicles 21

Theological Commentary: Click Here

1 Chronicles 21 is all about the census.  God had told the leaders of the Hebrew people to not do a census.  As a math guy, this inherently offends me!  What’s so wrong with numbers?  What is so wrong with counting?  In order to solve problems, we usually need some kind of measurement.

The difference here is that David’s numbers aren’t going to be used to solve problems, David’s numbers are going to start problems.  This chapter is about the heart, not the head.  In this chapter, God cares about what the numbers are going to do to David’s heart, not his head.

When we count things, we become less content.  I can be completely happy if I have money in my bank account.  If I count it, however, and start comparing how much I have versus my monthly bills, I may worry, doubt, and have fear.  I can be completely happy knowing that I am getting to the end of a year in teaching.  When I count the days, however, the days pass more slowly because the amount seems too large!

God knows that when David knows the size of his nation that he’s going to start comparing it to the nations around him.  He’s going to start comparing armies.  He’s going to start making decision based on human power and human prowess and not based on his faith in God.  David’s heart is going to start to lean towards what he can do, and that’s when people get into trouble.

So long as our heart is pointed towards God, we live out our faith.  Yet, when our heart focuses on worldly means, we turn away from God’s ways.  We abandon living out our faith and living in opposition to our fear.  This is why God is angry with David.  He is disobedient, but his disobedience will lead him down a dark path.


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