Saturday, January 25, 2014

Year 4, Day 25: Genesis 26

Theological Commentary: Click Here 

Discipleship Focus: Imitation

  • Imitation: This is the second over-arching step of the discipleship process.  First we gain information, then we imitate our spiritual mentor.  Imitation leads to innovation of spirituality in our own life.

When we look at this chapter, it reads like a summary of Abraham’s life.  In fact, many scholars have tried to argue that these stories didn’t really happen but rather that someone got Abraham and Isaac confused and changed the main character to Isaac and duplicated the stories.  However, I think it makes perfect sense that Isaac should have a similar life to Abraham.  Isaac would have learned from Abraham and it would make sense that he would similarly imitate him.

In the greater scheme of things, this is a great pattern to recognize.  Yes, Isaac imitates the faithfulness of Abraham as well as the deception of passing off his wife as his sister.  When we imitate others, we often imitate the good and the bad.  But for the most part, Isaac is blessed as he learns to imitate his father Abraham.  He makes good decisions because he is following a good leader.

We should do likewise.  We need to find spiritual mentors who can teach us.  Then we can imitate their faith in our own life.  After we imitate their faith, we can then innovate their faith and make it our own in ways that make sense to the person that God has created us to be.


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