Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Year 4, Day 21: Genesis 22

Theological Commentary: Click Here 

Discipleship Focus: Identity, Obedience

  • Identity: Our true identity comes from God.  Only when our identity comes from God can we be obedient in ways that satisfy our person to our core.
  • Obedience: Genuine and satisfying obedience comes out of our identity.  Our true identity comes only from Father.

I think Genesis 22 is a clear avenue to lift up this idea of identity.  God comes to Abraham and tells Abraham to take his only Son and go to Moriah and lift him up as a sacrifice.  Now, let’s put this into perspective.  Remember that Abraham was a hundred years old when Isaac was born.  It’s not like he’s a spring chicken and likely to have many more children.  Additionally, God had to open up Sarah’s barren womb in order for a child to come forth.  Furthermore, God had already promised Abraham that his offspring through Isaac would be like the sand of the seashore and like the stars of heaven.  This grand vision from God is put in jeopardy because at a ripe old age God asks of Abraham to make a sacrifice out of Isaac.

Yet, Abraham’s identity is in God.  I’m not advocating child sacrifice.  Neither am I advocating thoughtless obedience.  But I am advocating obedience in general.  Abraham can be obedient to God because his agenda is set on godly pursuits.  He trusts that God has his best interests in mind.  He is willing to put God’s agenda ahead of his own.  Abraham’s identity is from God, not from himself.

It is only because he is willing to be obedient to God that he ends up blessed.  That’s the point of Genesis 22:16-17.  God blesses Abraham and makes him the father of his chosen people because Abraham’s identity was in God and that identity led to obedience.


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