Friday, January 3, 2014

Year 4, Day 3: Genesis 3

Theological Commentary: Click Here 

Discipleship Focus: In

  • In: This is the word we use to express our relationships with our spiritual family.  These are often the people who hold us spiritually accountable.  They are the ones to whom we typically go for discussion and discernment.  These are the ones with whom we learn to share leadership.  They are the ones with whom we become family on mission.

You might wonder how it is we go from the epitome of the Bible’s perspective of sin to talking about the in dimension of relationships.  It’s a bit of a mental leap, but I think it is a leap that bears out some fruit.

As I am being discipled, I am constantly being reminded about the need to have an in dimension to my life.  I need to share vision.  I need to share leadership.  The developing spiritual community around me needs to be family on mission, not a church on the pastor’s mission.  When I speak like this, I am reminded of Paul’s famous words in Galatians 3: “For there is no longer Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female.  For you all are one in Christ.”  When I read through Genesis 1-2 I get a sense of the oneness and the completion of creation.

So when does hierarchy come in?  Where does this inner need to be in control come into play?  When do we as humans begin to feel the need to dominate over one another?  It comes in the curse to the woman.  “You shall desire your husband, but he shall rule over you.”  It is on that curse – that consequence of sinful behavior – that we hear the first words of human hierarchy.

As a leader, I need to understand that my internal need to be in control comes not out of God’s design but out of my own sinful nature.  I need the in dimension to help me let go of my human sinful tendencies.  It is one thing for people to willingly submit spiritually.  But it is another thing for me to assume that reality.  True submission, a true in dimension to relationship, comes out of the Spirit and our togetherness as a part of God’s creation.


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