Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Year 4, Day 7: Genesis 7

Theological Commentary: Click Here 

Discipleship Focus: Obedience

  • Obedience: Genuine and satisfying obedience comes out of our identity.  Our true identity comes only from Father.

What can we say about Noah other than he is an extraordinarily obedient man.  God tells him to build a super-huge ark and he does.  I don’t think I can imagine the effort put into that process.  Remember, it’s not like there was a Home Depot just down the street.  The lumber needed to be felled and then cut.  The nails and wooden pegs needed to be fashioned.  The pitch for waterproofing had to be found, made, refined, then applied.  I can’t imagine how much effort that project took and how obedient Noah was to God’s plan.

Furthermore, the animals needed to be gathered.  They had to be controlled.  Supplies needed to be found for all the animals.  What an undertaking that had to have been.

Not to mention that his family still had to be managed.  Sure, Noah’s sons helped along the way.  But I can’t imagine everything was roses.  I’m sure there were days when Noah’s sons were tired, frustrated, cranky, irritable, or sore.  Yet, through all of this, Noah’s primary characteristic is his obedience.  Noah saw God’s direction and obeyed.


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