Monday, January 5, 2015

Year 5, Day 5: 2 Kings 7

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: King

  • King: This is the pinnacle of the Kingdom Triangle.  When we look towards God’s position in the universe, we acknowledge that He is an omnipotent king.  Authority comes from Him.  Power comes through His authority.  He is looking for representatives for His kingdom.

In 2 Kings 7 we see several great stories to demonstrate the kingship of God.  He truly is omnipotent.  He is omnipotent in foresight.  He is omnipotent in sheer power and ability.  He is omnipotent in the scope of His love.

First, God is omnipotent in foresight.  We get the story of the captain of the guard who doubts God’s ability to change the situation of Samaria in a single day.  God demonstrates His ability to know the future and even have power over the future through the prediction of Elisha.  Elisha says the captain will see the deliverance of Israel but he will not participate in it.  That very thing happens.

God is king in sheer ability and power, too.  We see in this story that when the Syrians come face to face with the power of God they flee.  They flee hard and fast.  They flee so hard and fast that they don’t even take their horses with them!  They leave all of their possessions behind, ready to be plundered by the Israelites.  That’s what it means to be king in terms of power right there.

Finally, we see God as king in terms of scope.  Worldly kings like to surround themselves with the important, rich, and beautiful.  But God is king over everyone.  At the end of this story God demonstrates that He even loves the lepers.  It is the lepers who first discover God’s salvation.  It is the outcasts of society – those for whom there is no hope of being a part of society – that God reveals His deliverance.  It is the outcasts of society who are given the opportunity to reveal this to the rest of Samaria.


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