Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Year 5, Day 6: 2 Kings 8

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Character

  • Character: Having the interior life that is necessary to support the work that God sets before a person.  It is hearing from God and obeying.  It is doing the right thing when nobody is looking.

There is a part of me today that wants to focus on the end of this chapter, which is largely anecdotal evidence.  In the last two sections of text we hear the brief stories of two insignificant kings of Judah.  All we really know about them is that Judah fell away from God during their reign, largely because they more interested in the ways of the kings of Israel than the ways of the kings of Judah.

To any Bible scholar, this is no surprise.  Judah will slide further and further away from God.  It’s just a historical fact.  That’s why these stories are largely anecdotal.  They are just telling us how it happened.

But I believe there is a lesson to be learned here about the character of leadership.  Leaders always influence the people.  Sure, no leader can be held completely responsible for the actions of their constituents.  But when leaders don’t stand up for the right ways of God it is true that the constituents will be even faster to flee obedience to God.

So today I find myself pondering the nature and character of leadership.  Do the leaders of this world have a godly character?  What about the leaders of my country?  What about the leaders of my state?  What about the leaders of my community?  What about the leaders of my church?  And here it gets pretty personal.  What about the leaders of my family?  Am I displaying the character of God as I lead my family?  Or am I making it easier for those underneath me to fall away from God?


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