Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Year 5, Day 104: Job 10

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Vision

  • Vision: Vision is most needed when we are our most human. Vision is most needed when we have a typical D2 moment. Vision is partnered by Time and Grace.

I spoke about vision a few days ago.  As I read through Job’s words in Job 10 I went straight back to those words from a few days back.  Again we hear Job speak alarmingly dark words.  Again we hear about Job being willing to give up his life if God would just take it.  Again we hear Job speak darkly about God’s intentions and motivations.  Again we hear Job say some disparaging things about God.  But again we don’t see Job cross the line of faith – or giving up his faith.

Job is living is a place with no vision.  When your skin has broken out in puss-filled boils, you tend to not have vision.  When all of your children are tragically taken from you in one brief moment, you tend to not have vision.  When your body aches with every move you make, you tend to not have vision.  When the best advice your spouse can say is, “Curse your God and die,” you tend to not have vision.

Once again I think that this is a very significant point to ponder.  If I find myself listening to a person in Job’s position, what do they need the most?  They certainly don’t need a scathing accusation of their so-called transgressions – especially if they may not be founded on reality!  No, what a person in Job’s situation needs is vision.  They need to see the future.  They need to have something onto which they can hope.  They need to know that the story will be well again and that especially it will end well.  Let’s face it.  With the Christian understanding of life eternal, we know that it will!

But I think that it is also important for me to understand this about myself.  There are days when I feel beaten by the world.  Don’t you?  On those days, it is important for me to remember my own need for vision.  I need to either look for vision myself or seek those who can cast it into my life.  We all get down at times.  We are all sad and despair from time to time.  We all need to remember our own need for vision.


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