Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Year 5, Day 91: 2 Corinthians 8 & 9

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Provision

  • Provision: God gives us what we truly need.  God knows our needs better than we can know them.  We learn to trust God to provide for us.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that I am focusing on provision on a day where Paul is talking about charity and giving to the needs of the poor in Jerusalem.  After all, Paul makes a great case in these two chapters about giving generously.  Paul makes a great case for people who give because God has been generous to them.  After all, we serve a God who can manage it so that those who gather much have just enough and those who gather little find that they have no lack.  God knows our needs.  He provides.

But if He provides and we are to imitate Him, should we also not be generous?  What better way to demonstrate God’s love than by giving without cause to those who are in need?  What better thing is there in life than to be the very hands and feet of God’s provision into the life of another?

Before we leave this topic, I do feel that it is important to mention that we aren’t just talking about money, though.  God needs more of us than our pocketbook.  God provides us time that we can use in the lives of others.  God provides us talents that we can use into the lives of others.  God does way more than provide financial resources so that we can eat and clothe ourselves.  God provides wisdom, kindness, joy, peace, compassion, love, intellect, patience, and a whole host of skills that we can use to be a part of God’s provision for others in their life!  What a generous God we serve!


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