Sunday, April 26, 2015

Year 5, Day 116: Job 22

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Father

  • Father: This is the pinnacle of the Covenant Triangle.  God is the Father.  He is the creator.  He is love.  Our relationship with the Father is rooted in His love for us.  We get our identity through Him.  When the Father is in our life, obedience becomes clear.

Eliphaz is annoying at the beginning of this chapter.  He asks if a man can be profitable to God.  He also asks if it is pleasing to the Almighty if I am right.  In both of these questions Eliphaz is wrong!

You see, Eliphaz is trying to make the point that we are nothing to God.  How does my being right change God?  How can I bring anything of profit to God?  And in a very shallow sense of the questions there is a point.  God is God regardless of what I bring to the table.

However, what Eliphaz has neglected is the fact that God is not just our King but also our Father.  Does a father have joy when his children imitate the goodness within him?  Does a father take pleasure in their children choosing rightly?  Of course he does!

The same is true with God.  Our Father takes great pleasure when we choose His ways over the selfishness that lies within each of us.  Our Father loves the moments when we are rooted in His love.  Our Father can take us, mold, us, and make us into very profitable tools in His hands.  We do have value in the eyes of the Father.  We do have joy in the eyes of the Father.


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