Thursday, April 16, 2015

Year 5, Day 106: Job 12

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: King

  • King: This is the pinnacle of the Kingdom Triangle.  When we look towards God’s position in the universe, we acknowledge that He is an omnipotent king.  Authority comes from Him.  Power comes through His authority.  He is looking for representatives for His kingdom.

God is King.  We confess that to be true.  We believe it to be true.  But it is one of the hardest things to put into practice!

Look at Job’s response here in these verses.  Job continues to struggle with why this is happening to him.  He continues to be absolute firm in the defense of his innocence in spite of three friends coming and telling him that he is in need of repentance.  Job continues to wrestle with how a righteous God can stand by and watch while all of this happens to Job.

I honestly can’t say I can blame Job.  I know he’s wrong; but I also can completely understand how he feels.  It stinks to be in the middle of something like Job is going through.  It stinks to feel like your life is in turmoil and it is way beyond your control.  It is so incredibly easy to get mad at God because we think that He should be the one calling the shots and therefore He should consider our protection paramount.

But this perspective shows how we actually don’t always consider God as our king.  If God was always my king in every thought, word, and deed, would I be as concerned about fairness to me as I am concerned about fairness to God?  If God was always king in my life, would I not be able to always place full confidence in His ability to make things right?  If God was always my king and I never wavered in that allegiance, could I ever find fault with God and His ability to protect me and make things right?

You see, God is king.  Even when we accuse Him, he is still king.  Even when we wrestle with Him, he is still king.  But our wrestling shows doubt.  It shows a chink in the armor of faith.  When I wrestle with God as Job wrestles with God, it doesn’t mean I don’t believe at all.  But it does mean my doubting humanity has come to rear its ugly head.

God is King.  All things work out to His glory.  I should not doubt that which I so firmly believe.  But remembering that God is king and entrusting everything into His most capable hands is far easier said than done.


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