Sunday, December 11, 2016

Year 6, Day 345: Daniel 11

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Daniel 11 gives us three perspectives of human rebellion.  The first kind of rebellion are those kings who believe in sheer might.  These are the kings at the beginning of the chapter who line up large armies and beat each other into submission.  While these are the most physically dangerous kind of leaders, I think that these are also the least likely to cause long-term trouble.  You can usually see these leaders coming.  More often than not, you can get out of their destructive swath.  Nevertheless, one of the characteristics of rebellion are those who believe in power and might.

Next, we see pictures of kings who gain their power through diplomatic means.  These are people who use their influence to make friends and alliances.  These are the back room dealers, who typically have everything arranged before the meeting starts and votes are cast.  These are charismatic leaders, who more often than not are more dangerous than the first kind of leaders.  These leaders seek their own goals and desire to fulfill their own agenda.  There is seldom any true humbleness within them.  These leaders you can usually only spot coming if you are paying the proper attention to them.

Finally, we get a glimpse of the worst kind of leader.  The third style of leadership presented in this chapter is the godless leader.  This is the leader who puts stock in his fortresses instead of God.  The godless seeks to make himself a god of his own life and the lives of anyone who would have him.  This style of leadership is so dangerous because it is so tempting to mimic.  After all, who doesn’t want to be a god of their own life?  Who doesn’t feel the natural temptation to put more stock in things like bank accounts and protective walls than God?  This type of leader is dangerous because his example naturally pulls us away from being humble in the presence of God.


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