Sunday, December 18, 2016

Year 6, Day 352: Revelation 7

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Symbolically speaking, Revelation 7 is one of my favorite chapters in this book.  We start with a very tradition image.  We have the faithful gathered.  12,000 people are gathered from each of the twelve tribes of Israel.  This is a highly symbolic number.  Naturally, we have the idea of the Hebrew people.  In addition to that, we have a square number in 144, knowing that square numbers are usually a sign of completion or perfection.  Finally, we have thousands, which is a symbolic way of talking about a very large number of people.

The next picture that we have is a great multitude that nobody can count.  This multitude comes from every nation.  In other words, this multitude represents the people of the world who have come into relationship with God.  These are not Jews; these are people who are in relationship through their Gentile nature.  They are from everywhere, every race, and every time.

What I love about these images is that they are a great symbol of what God said would happen way back when He was calling Abraham out of Ur.  Abraham said that His descendants would be innumerable.  He also said that the world would be blessed because of Abraham and his offspring.  In this picture, we have assurance that this promise is indeed true.  There were faithful Hebrew people.  That faithfulness, through Christ and His disciples, did filter throughout the world so that there are faithful people in all nations.  Revelation 7 is assuring us that God is a God who can keep His promises.


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