Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Year 6, Day 340: Daniel 6

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Here is another favorite passage from my childhood.  Daniel and the lion’s den is an incredibly popular story to teach because it is easy to understand and neat in its supernatural meaning.

As I read through it today, though, I could not help being struck by the jealousy of the satraps around Daniel.  Why do they get him in trouble?  He is finding success and other people are jealous.  I am reminded of the story of Joseph and the coat of many colors.  Like Joseph, Daniel is at odds with the people around him because of their jealousy!

However, like Joseph, God makes an incredible thing happen through the sinful intentions of the people around him.  The satraps intend to kill Daniel, but the result is that God’s name is praised!  God is given an opportunity to save Daniel and God’s name is decreed in a Persian edict forever!  God takes this incredible human moment of sin and turns it into a moment of glory.

Furthermore, let’s not forget to look at Daniel’s reaction in this story.  Here is yet another mature reaction.  Daniel hears the decree about worship.  What does he do?  He continues to go into his house and worship God.  Human decrees don’t mean anything compared to the promise and covenant of God.  What an incredible witness to a people who are in exile as the Hebrew people are under the Babylonians and Persians!  Daniel’s maturity and faithfulness shines through clearly in this passage.  He should be an inspiration in our life.


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