Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Year 6, Day 355: Revelation 10-11

Theological Commentary: Click Here

In Revelation 10-11, we hear about the time between the sixth and seventh trumpets.  Do you remember what was said after the sixth seal?  The seventh seal doesn’t bring about judgment, it brought about a time of peace and rest.

The same is true here for the trumpets.  The fifth and sixth trumpet brings about horrible supernatural judgments.  But now there is a time of peace and respite.  We end with the seventh trumpet, which actually brings about a time for worshiping God!  Once more we see that god does not desire to end His witness in judgment.  He desires to end His witness with a time of reflection for humanity.

The sad part is that the human race, for the most part, just doesn’t get it.  We saw yesterday that the people didn’t repent from the judgments.  Today we hear about the two witnesses, which the people can’t wait to destroy.  In fact, when the two witnesses are destroyed, the people rejoice and even refuse to let them be buried!

The stubborn nature of the human race doesn’t fail to amaze me.  We want things our way.  We lust after the desires of our own hearts.  We refuse to confess that others might be right, especially if that other person is God!  We refuse to acknowledge that there might be a better way other than the way inside of our own heart.  We refuse to acknowledge it because that would mean repentance and an actual changed lifestyle.  We refuse to repent because it would mean adopting Gods ways.

That’s why I am always amazed when I hit the seventh of the judgments.  We get a strong glimpse of the insanity of humanity.  My favorite definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.  That’s a great way of defining human sinfulness, too.

What are the point of the judgments?  What is the lesson God is trying to get us to see?  We need to repent.  We need to change our ways.  We need to return to Him, confessing our ways and changing to His ways.  We need to return to His worship. That’s what the judgments are intended to teach us.


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