Friday, December 21, 2012

Year 2, Day 354: Isaiah 4

Judgment Versus Grace

Having come off of a chapter on judgment, it is good to now return to a chapter on future promise.  However, before I get there, let’s get one thing straight.  Look at how many verses focus on the Hebrew people’s coming joy.  Remember how many verses in this chapter and the prior chapter talk about the Hebrew people’s disgrace.   Look at those numbers of verses.  Shoot, if you want to get specific, count the words even!

Judgment is coming.  God will hand us all over to our own devices if we pursue them hard enough and ignore God long enough.  After judgment, once the lesson is learned, God will restore us.  Then there will be peace and harmony and life lived according to God’s glory.  But in comparing the number of verses, I hope that my point is clear.  Although we like to focus on the joy, God knows that we need to hear the warning even more.

Keep this lesson in mind as we move through Isaiah.  There are going to be several beautiful passages like this one we have today.  There are going to be more than a few places where reassurance and grace are offered.  But don’t ever lose sight over how many words of warning and impending doom we are going to pass through for each snippet of grace and forgiveness.  We are a people of grace – absolutely amen!  But as humans, we are also a people who need warnings, cautions, and even more warnings.

A Word Of Grace

But, I’ve made my point.  So let’s move into the joy of these five verses in Isaiah 4 (2-6).  In the great and wonderful day of the Lord – the day when God is back in control and honestly revered by the people – then the branch of the Lord will be beautiful.  Then the people of the Lord will be glorious.  Then the survivors of God’s judgment will be proud and honorable.  In other words, when God brings about judgment – letting people have their own way – there will be a remnant of faithfulness that will be with God.  Many will be consumed by God’s freedom in letting them choose their own destruction.  But there will be a remnant that will be beautiful and glorious in that they will return to God and choose His ways.

These people will be considered righteous.  The filth of the world will be washed through them and away from them.  To mix metaphors, the chaff will be gathered up and burned away.  Those who are judged by God and who return to Him will be called holy.  Notice that the process doesn’t sound easy.  It doesn’t sound like something just anyone can do.  Isaiah talks about this process of returning to the Lord as a process of judgment and burning.  It will not be easy to forego the freedom to choose our own destruction and instead choose God and His ways.  The call of the world is strong.

But when this happens, we are told that something special will happen within His people.  We are given images that should remind us of the exodus.  When we pass through judgment and fire and return to the Lord, then the Lord will dwell among us.  Literally, we are told that there will be a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud.  God will be our canopy.  God will dwell with us.  God will be present among us – even in us!

Pointing To Christ

To me, I can’t help think about Jesus and the Holy Spirit at this point.   When I hear Isaiah talking about judgment in one chapter and then hear Isaiah talking about passing through the judgment and fire in the next, I can’t help but think about Jesus when He speaks of the wide and narrow gates.  Many find the wide gate, for it leads to destruction.  Few find the narrow gate, for it leads to salvation.  But to those few who find the narrow gate – who find Jesus Himself – they are promised that the Holy Spirit would dwell within them.  The presence of God will be in their midst.  Oh, what an absolutely glorious day it is, was, and shall be when we have the presence of God with us!

Oh, what refuge we shall know from the world.  Then we will sing and mean it when we sing that the Lord is our rock and our foundation.  We shall sing and mean it when we say that the Jesus is the chief cornerstone.  How great it feels to have walked through the judgment of this life – passed through the fire – and come through having chosen God’s ways over the ways of this world.  Is there any better feeling in the world?


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