Saturday, March 24, 2018

Year 8, Day 83: 1 Corinthians 15

Theological Commentary: Click Here

1 Corinthians 15 is one of my favorite chapters in Paul’s writing because he spells out the most important truths in such simple detail.  To bring this letter of unity to a close, Paul ends with simple truth.  Christ came and Christ dies for our sake.  We know salvation because Christ came and only because Christ came.

This, then, speaks to the resurrection.  Christ died and was raised from the dead.  Those in Christ, then, can expect the same conclusion to happen tot them!  If Christ was raised, we will be, too!

This should make sense.  If there is no resurrection, why come to earth to save us.  If we simply die and cease to exist, why bother atoning for our sins?  The point of atonement is that life can be restored to them manner in which God intends.  The point of atonement is so that once we are restored into relationship with God that relationship can continue on into perpetuity.

This takes Paul into a conversation about our future existence.  Naturally, we cannot know exactly what such a life will feel like or even look like.  There are a few things that we can know, though.  Life with God into the eternal future will be eternal.  We will be immortal.  We won’t be omnipotent, but we will not be concerned with time or death.

This is the crux of the faith.  This is what should bring us unity.  We are sinners; Christ came to die for our sake.  Because Christ died for our sake, we can live in relationship with God.  Because of our relationship with God, we will live forever with Him under His power in an eternal and immortal existence.


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