Monday, April 2, 2018

Year 8, Day 92: 2 Corinthians 10

Theological Commentary: Click Here

As Paul starts into the last third of this letter, he offers up a little defense of his ministry.  Apparently, there are those in Corinth who are arguing with his advice.  There are people who are questioning his credentials and his authority to speak.  They are claiming themselves to be better to listen to than Paul.

This has Paul fairly upset.  However, Paul knows that there is little that he can do besides to speak logically.  We cannot force faith; neither can we force faithful responses.  We cannot mandate people listen.  All we can do is to keep our head about us and speak words of truth.  If people listen, they listen.  If they don’t there really isn’t much we can do about it anyways.  That’s the funny thing about free will.  It allows us to each make up our own mind and choose our own course – for right or for wrong.

To be honest, this type of thing aggravates me, too.  As Christians, we should not be fighting and doubting one another.  We should be united in Christ, not winning the biggest fan club.  We should be teaching truth, not subjugating one another’s teaching.  We should be speaking with reason and allowing others to make up their own minds, not forcibly convincing others to behave a certain way.

If we boast, we should boast in Christ.  What can I do that has any value apart from Him?  What work can I do with my hands that is good unless He is the one who guides me?  What gifts can I use that He has not first given to me?

I am saddened when Christians fight against one another.  Yes, we will have differences of opinion.  We will utilize different logic.  But can we not understand that God has made us unique and we must make room for one another?  So long as I am not promoting sinfulness, must I think exactly like another?  Are not the mysteries of God so unfathomable that each of us can try to seek truth in ways that make sense according to how god has made us?

In the end, our goal is simple.  I should not be about creating followers for myself.  I should be about making disciples of Jesus Christ.  That is the goal.


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