Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Year 2, Day 276: Psalms 135 - 136

Psalm 135

Psalm 135 is a gloriously challenging psalm.  It is a glorious psalm because it proclaims the truth of the Lord: He can do what He pleases.  It is also a challenging psalm because it proclaims His judgment: He can do what He pleases.

Hopefully you noticed that I used the same expression for both the glorious and challenging parts.  That is intentional.  There are two sides to every aspect of God.  There is the glory when an aspect works out in our favor; but there is the challenge when the same aspect produces results that are difficult to understand.

Let’s take the examples used in the psalm.  First, God is glorious because He does not abandon His people.  He has chosen His people Israel. {The more I think about it, I think I like the term “purposed” better than “chosen.”  We can talk about this in the comments section if anyone wants to do so.}  God has come to this earth and desired a relationship with sinners.  What’s more is that through His judgment He has taken us as outcasts and provided the manner for us to be free of our bondage to this world.  He is glorious in His provision!

However, there is a dark side to that same aspect.  The reason that God has to provide us a way out of our oppression is because His righteousness demands that He sit as judge over creation.  He knows we are found wanting.  He knows that we are guilty of sin.  He knows that we are ourselves corrupt.  He knows we cannot save ourselves and He must provide the way out.

It was the same God who provided a way out that also condemned the firstborn in Egypt.  It was the same God who performed the miracle of creation who sent the plagues among the Egyptians.  It is the same God who led the captives out of Egypt who condemned them to die in their sin in the wilderness.  The righteousness of God is the greatest joy that can ever exist to those who recognize that they are perishing and turn to abide in God’s truth.  The righteousness of God is the greatest threat to people who fail to recognize God’s truth and who abundantly and unrepentantly live in their sin.

I find it difficult to live in this world some days.  While I love God with all my heart – and those who are in God – I also find that I love those who are perishing as well.  I celebrate because of the salvation that has come, but I mourn those who continue to miss their opportunity to turn to God and be saved by Him.  I celebrate with joy that God’s name endures forever.  I mourn because so many people in this world choose to pursue idols of their own making – idols that cannot save them in the end.

Psalm 136

Psalm 136 is another psalm with a similar line of thought and Psalm 135.  We give glory to God who created this world.  We give glory to God who in His grace spared the Hebrew people in bondage.  We give glory to God who in His righteous judgment destroyed Pharaoh and the Egypt that was underneath him.  We give glory to this divine God who has the ability to destroy kings and kingdoms.  This God of mercy and judgment is the God to whom we give glory.  In this Psalms 135 and 136 come together.

However, Psalm 136 focuses heavily on another thought.  His steadfast love endures forever.  Yes, that line was written 26 times in this psalm – once for every verse.  His steadfast love endures forever.

I’m going to confess something that we all know to be true, but I need to say it.  I’m a sinner.  I deserve wrath.  I deserve separation from God.  I deserve to be like the Pharaoh who was drowned in the sea, like the kings that God overthrew, like the Canaanites who were displaced.  I’ve established my own kingdom in my mind.  I’ve set myself up as emperor of my own life.  I’ve taken the creation of God and turned it into a means to pursue my own agenda.  I’ve lived moments, hours, days, and even years where my focus was not on me.

Yet, the steadfast love of God endures forever.  God waited patiently, chipping away at my kingdom.  He waited patiently while stripping away my “emperor’s robes” with which I adorned myself.  He waited patiently while time and time again revealing to me how I have mismanaged His creation and my time in it.  He took all of my failings and waited in love for me to turn back.  Today I join the psalmist in remembering to give thanks to that God.  He is the one who brought truth into my life.  Thanks be to God that His steadfast love endures forever.


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