Monday, October 29, 2012

Year 2, Day 302: Proverbs 11


On an amusing note, I have to confess to reading the first verse in Proverbs 11 completely and totally wrong.  The ESV translates, “A false balance is an abomination to the Lord.”  Being a pastor, I completely took the word “balance” in a spiritual/emotional sense.  I began thinking, “What a great passage about knowing oneself and being in touch with one’s spirit.”  Then I looked into the Hebrew to make sure that I was reading it right.  I was disappointed to find out that the word for balance actually means “scale” or “means of measuring weight.”  I was disappointed to discover that this verse isn’t talking about a person being in touch with themselves but rather a person being able to go to the marketplace and not get ripped off!

However, that doesn’t mean that the verse cannot have meaning – even good meaning!  What does this verse tell us?  Don’t make a living by cheating other people out of their hard-earned money.  But it really goes deeper than that.  This proverb dives into from where we as human beings believe our life comes.  Do I have to provide for myself?  If so, do I have to cheat to make sure I survive?  Or do I place my trust in God’s ability to enable me to survive?

That turns me to another topic.  Am I willing to embrace God’s provision?  When I trust that God can provide for me, does that mean that I necessarily am willing to live by what He provides?  Or do I want more than He provides for me?  Is that why human beings need to be told to not cheat one another?  Are we not content with God’s provision for life?  {Wow, who’da thought that I could go someplace that deep on a reading of the Bible that started by taking a false step!}


As we progress through this chapter, I find that Proverbs 11:3 follows this line of thinking quite naturally.  The integrity of the upright guides them while the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them.  Those of integrity may not always win every battle.  They may not be the wealthiest members of a community.  But they will be respected members of the community.  They will have friends – and more importantly, spiritual family.  What of the crooked?  They might have the money and the stuff.  They might have that big house on a lake looking down upon the rest of the community.  But will they have the respect of the community?  To whom will they turn when life goes sour?  Is this not the point of Proverbs 11:4?

Unfortunate Reality

Proverbs 11:10 – specifically the back half of the verse – saddened me as I read through it.  “When the wicked perish, there are shouts of gladness.”  Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not saying that we should feel bad about being freed from oppression.  What saddens me is that there are people in this world who are so corrupt, self-mongerish, and untamed that we rejoice at their death.  It saddens me that there are people who are willing to take their natural human inclination for evil and run with it to whatever extent that they can get away with.


Proverbs 11:14 is also a really neat proverb.  “Where there is no guidance, a people fall; but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”  I hope the truth in that comment leaps off of the page.  This proverb made me immediately think about the church.  If we want people to feel safe in our church, we need good counsel.  If we want people to trust us with their spiritual nature, we must develop good counsel.  If we want people to take us seriously when we invite them into a relationship with Jesus Christ, we must develop the ability to promote and train good counsel.  The more our congregations are filled with people who can genuinely speak words of wisdom into peoples’ lives the more people will seek out that counsel!

Pig’s Snout

I can’t pass up talking about Proverbs 11:22, either.  “Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.”  I love this line.  It’s so much more fun than an equivalent adage: “Beauty is only skin deep.”  A person who does not have a beautiful spirit has nothing serious to offer in the terms of what makes a person truly rich.  If a person doesn’t have a beautiful spirit that helps them grow in wisdom, they will end up ruining the gift of physical beauty they have been given.

Well, I did warn you that the remainder of this book would seem a little haphazard and random.  But I think there was much treasure to mine in this chapter.  Certainly there was far more treasure than I was able to pull out in this simple blog.  I pray that as you read that your mind found and pondered the depth of God’s truth here in Proverbs 11.


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