Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Year 2, Day 288: 1 Thessalonians 3-4


As we open 1 Thessalonians 3, we get to hear a bunch about persecution.  Let’s look really hard at these opening verses.  Paul and Silas sent Timothy to strengthen the Thessalonians because they needed it.  Why did they need it?  Because they were being persecuted because of their faith.  They were absolutely being persecuted because of the faith.

But that’s not all.  Notice what Paul says. Paul says that they knew they would be persecuted.  Paul, Silas, and Timothy all told the Thessalonians that persecution would come.

I find this interesting.  The one thing I can guarantee people is that as they grow closer to God in faith, their life will become more difficult.  Now, personally I also believe that life becomes more enjoyable the more a person becomes God’s companion.  But the world will certainly reject those in the faith.  The world will tempt us out of our faith.  Satan will come and make it difficult for us to focus on our faith.

What I also find interesting is the person who comes to faith and then falls away because of the persecution.  That tells me that one of two things happens – although I admit that this may not be an exclusive list.  Either the person who falls away is deceiving himself and believing that they can handle the persecution or the spiritual leaders in that person’s life are not being honest about persecution upfront.  I don’t want to be one of those leaders.  So let me be as honest as I see Paul being in this passage.  The persecution will come.  You will be accused by the world for the choices you make in your faith.  Know that up front.  Do yourself a favor.  Surround yourself with people who will support you, pray for you, and come and strengthen you when you need it.  Surround yourself with God and His people.

Never Been More Proud

As we close the third chapter, I love where Paul transitions in his words.  Paul then talks about how when the Thessalonians endure the persecutions that it actually shows life in Paul.  When the disciple steps out in faith, the one-who-disciples is never more proud.  Paul tells these Thessalonians that it is those moments of faithfulness that the ministry is really worth doing.

This brings me to a quote I heard a few days ago in Denver.  “The challenge of the church is not making disciples.  The challenge of the church is making disciples that can make disciples.”  I love that quote.  And this is really what Paul has talked about so far throughout this whole letter.  They told the Thessalonians that there would be persecutions.  The Thessalonians stepped up and lived the faith.  People around them began to notice.  Disciples were making disciples.  That is the sweet-spot of ministry right there.

Called to Love

Then Paul turns to faithful life.  Paul reminds the Thessalonians that God does not call us to a spirit of succumbing to our passions like the rest of the world.  God does not want us trying to be fulfilled by pursuing the desires of our heart.  As Paul says, God calls us to holiness.  God calls us to love one another. He calls us to love Him and His ways.  God calls us to live peaceably with one another and to mind the affairs that God asks us to mind.

The Return of the Messiah

Then Paul talks about the day that Christ will return.  Christ will come back.  He will come back with the shout of an archangel.  Christ isn’t just going to return in a nonchalant manner.  He’s going to come back with a shout that nobody can ignore.  He’s going to come with a shout as like the trumpet of God.  Quite literally, He’s going to come back with a shout that will wake the dead.

And then the dead in Christ will rise.  Then the dead in Christ will rise!  It is then that those in Christ will finally see their Lord.  What a glorious day that will be in the future!

Once the dead are raised, then the living in Christ will join them.  Again, what a glorious moment that is going to be.  I’m looking forward to the moment that Paul will be raised and we join Him in the clouds.  I’m waiting for the moment when Martin Luther will be raised and we will join Him in the clouds.  I’m waiting to see people like Jonathon Edwards.  Or Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  Or any of the other martyrs who have given their life.  How cool will it be to join the incredible followers of Christ that have come before us!

But then again, how cool will it be to join Christ?  I think that is really the neat part of this closing section of 1 Thessalonians 4.  One day we will meet Christ in the air.  That day may not be today.  It may have not happened yet.  But it will happen.

If that’s not encouraging, I don’t know what is.  One day we will be with Christ when He returns.  That makes the persecution worth it.  That makes all of the tough choices to go against the false pleasure of the world worth it.  One day, we will be with Christ. 

Go.  Encourage others with those words.


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