Thursday, October 11, 2012

Year 2, Day 284: Psalm 147

Psalm 147

Today I was reminded of a saying that I’ve begun to speak more and more frequently over the last few years.  Here it is: “Even if I should die tomorrow, what’s so bad?  What’s so bad about getting to see Jesus?”

You might wonder what it is about this psalm that reminds me of this topic.  Well, it’s going to feel a bit like a rabbit trail at the beginning.  But I promise to make the connection at the end.  It begins actually with the end of the psalm.  “He has not dealt thus with any other nation; they do not know His rules.”

This got me to thinking on a worldly perspective.  {I know, I know.  Shame on me.  I should stop thinking on a worldly level.}  But I started to think about all of the people in this world that are prosperous and don’t know God.  I got to wondering – as I often do as one of my failings – can I agree with the closing statement of the psalm?  Does it not seem as though many of the followers of God are treated with less success and generosity than people of the world?

So then I got to thinking on a spiritual level rather than a worldly level.  Why am I – or we – so quick to trade spiritual gain for worldly gain?  God has given the promise of eternal life to me – to us.  Why do I care about anyone else’s greater success in this world?  Honestly I ask that question.  Why do I care?  God has already given to me – to us – the greatest gift that could ever be given.  Why do I care?  I know that after death – after Jesus returns – I get to see Jesus.  What else matters as much?

So we return to the point at the end of the psalm.  Has God dealt thusly with anyone else?  I don’t think so.  Other people may have worldly gain, but who except those in God have eternal life?  Suddenly I began to feel quite humbled about my ability to be jealous about other people’s worldly gain.  It really shouldn’t matter.

So then I began to think about the rest of the words in this psalm.  In addition to eternal life, look at everything else that God has done for us.  He heals the brokenhearted.  He gathers the outcasts.  He builds up His city of peace.  He lifts up the humble.  He created the world and provides nourishment in abundance for all of the creatures of this world.  He takes pleasure in those who hold Him in awe and who put their hope in Him.  He brings peace.  He is in control of the weather.  All of these things that He gives to us are in addition to the promise of eternal life.

But then we return to my earlier thought.  The end of the psalm speaks about the power of God’s Word.  So that got me thinking along the lines of a Devil’s Advocate.  With all the rules and regulations involved with following God, doesn’t it sometimes feel like life would be easier if we could live by our own rules?  Doesn’t it seem like when it comes to God’s Word the nations get off easier?

But let’s think this through a little.  Yes, it is difficult to live according to God’s way.  But are not most things worth doing worth the effort?  In fact, are not most things in this world that are worth doing also things that involve effort?

Think about all of the benefits of following God’s Word:
  • God’s Word teaches us to be in repentant relationships surrounded by love.  Yes, that’s hard work.  But isn’t it worth it? 
  • God’s Word teaches us to give of ourselves for the sake of those who are in need.  Yes, that requires sacrifice and sacrifice is hard.  But isn’t learning how to be sacrificial in life rewarding?  Isn’t it worth the hard work?
  • God’s Word teaches us to be humble.  It’s hard work to fight off the urge to make everything about ourselves.  It’s hard to make life about God more than ourselves.  But isn’t it worth it considering that we have the promise of eternal life?
  • God’s Word teaches us to be devoted to His Word and other spiritual disciplines.  It is incredibly hard to be so devoted.  But think about the peace, joy, and healthy living that come from spiritual devotion.  Is it not worth the hard work?

I could go on.  But I think I’ve made my point.  Because of eternal life, we can say that those who are in God have something that the nations don’t have.  Through His Word and living according to His ways, we have something that the rest of the world does not.  It might not always be easy.  It might take a bunch of effort.  But God is indeed good to those who are found in Him.


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